Guiding Principles
We Commit to Respecting the Land and its Peoples
As individuals and as a company we strive to respect people, the land, and the interconnections that unite us. We believe in the importance of listening, that voices are to be heard, and that each individual has something valuable to share. It is through these discussion that we hope to learn about and participate in creating initiatives that support the communities in which we work and the people who inhabit them.
We Commit to Social Investment
We believe that every individual and every community have valuable experience, knowledge, and capacity. Our intent is to facilitate opportunities where community members can explore work and learning opportunities with the Partnership Team. We have a demonstrated history of contributing to communities through field days, open community training events, and various workshops.
We Offer Training and Employment
We support training programs that create meaningful opportunities for the participants. We strive to empower individuals to recognize their potential and provide skills that can be used throughout their lives. Our team has experience working locally and has been training and providing work opportunities for a variety of community members in rural and remote areas throughout BC and Canada. Invariably we have had the fortune of working with people who already have the number one skill required to be an effective environmental technician: a passion for the land. We view training as a two-way relationship. This can include shared knowledge regarding an area, new perspectives on how to approach an issue, or new ways of reading the landscape. We provide training that supports employment opportunities relevant to the Project as well as the broader environmental job market within the region.